Favourite Podcasts - Product, Investing, Economics, History and Politics - February 2018

Below, I am summing up my current status on podcasting”. As a record for myself (hence the data in the title) and in case anybody is looking for interesting podcasts. 

Podcast tools

Subscribe to podcasts on mobile phone: I use Podcast Addict. I chose this about 3 years, paid for it and have my subscription there. Might not be the best tool but does the job for now. 

Listen to podcasts on the web: through product hunt or alternatively whatever the website links to that I found googling for a particular topic.

Discovery: most often I listen to podcast when I am interested in a podcast (most recently types of investing other than venture capital). Then I basically google for that topic plus "podcast". 

Favourite podcast episodes:

This is just a selection that came to mind while writing, so there are many other excellent episodes.

Current podcast listening statistics

I listen to podcasts usually twice for 30 minutes commuting to work plus when travelling (way to airport, in plane or train) when I am not reading and when I do stuff like preparing washing machines. This results in the following statistics:

Product Management and Investing Podcast
Investing Podcasts
Product Podcasts

Favourite Podcasts in Economics, History and General

BBC4: In our times podcast - Favourite Episode: P v NP. Extremely fascinating episode. Most of the podcasts are on niche topics but from any area: history, physics, politics, math. Beautiful BBC English.

Econtalk  - On of the podcasts I have listened to for the longest time. Most non fiction authors of the type of Books that would be featured in the FT/McKinsey Non Fiction Book of the Year section come through here. Good start before reading the book. Brand name economists like Reinhart (from Reinhart and Rogoff) will show up here as do people like Acemoglu (Why Nations Fail).  

Favourite episode: An excellent episode and a very memorable one is Adamati (Bankers' new Clothes) on the cost of equity and how to prevent housing crises. Very understandable for somebody who is not familiar with debt and equity concepts. http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2013/04/admati_on_bank.html

Stuff you should know
No favourite episode. Kind of an an american version of in our times - go through the topics and pick one that is interesting.

Hardcore History - Extremely dense and long history podcasts.

Internet history podcastIf interested in technology or particular companies or technologies from the beginning of the 90ies onwards, this is an extremely interesting podcast. Interesting are the Episodes on Tesla’s founding.

Lovett or Leave it - Entertaining American politics. Sometimes very specific US politics issues. Former speech writer of Obama and Comedian.

The Tim Ferris show - Look at the topics and choose.

Recode/decode - Look at the topics and choose.

Techstuff  - Check out the topics and pick what interests you. The episodes on the iPhone are very good but I have listened to nearly all episodes because they interest me,

Favourite Podcasts in Business

Acquired -  A history of famous tech M&A transactions and their effect.

Masters in Business - Very listenable on a variety of issues if you are interested in them. I enjoyed the episode with Ed Thorpe because I had been reading about him anyway.

A16z - Future oriented venture capital, the episode on self driving cars could be very interesting.

Invest like the best - Very much enjoy this podcast at the moment. A very fun episode was the a recent one on a variety of different exotic types of investing.

This week in startups - An extremely good podcasts on start ups by Jason Calacanis. The episodes with Chris Sacca, who wanted to be a Spy but then become a venture capitalist are extremely good. As is a more current episode on clean fish.

Meb Farber Podcast - Focussed on investing, I have not listned to many episodes but a current one on leveraging public value equities is quite interesting.

Official SaaStr Podcast - A tactical podcast on the many elements of running a SaaS company. 

The IoT Inc Business show - In depth look at a number of IoT specific issues. A good episode compares the different types of protocols. Very useful for current product managers in the space.

Podcasts in product management

This is product management - probably the leader in the space so a bit of a must listen.

Clearly product book club -  very good overview of a couple of books you are probably thinking about reading.

How I build this - NPR quality story telling.

There are of course a number of other great podcasts, for example from Deutschlandfunk (German Public Radio), Dittsche (the Hamburg Comedian) and stuff by established media like the economist or the FT that is worth listening to. Not going into detail here because those are somewhat obvious.